Joshua Heller Rare Books



Screenshot from The Black Renaissance

The Challenge: One of the wonderful things about having a Washington, DC based business is that the area is home to so many interesting, dynamic people. Joshua and Phyllis Heller have amongst the most important artists' books dealerships in the world. In 2003, they decided to take their award-winning catalogue of books online. The Hellers already have a world-class photographer for their print catalogue. Now they needed a world-class website to show off the work of the talented artists they represent.

The Solution: The website draws visitors immediately into the beauty of the books for sale, utilizing Flash and Quicktime for multimedia presentations. The Hellers have contracted with for ongoing maintenance of the site, so it stays fresh and current with the contents of the latest catalogue. The site ranks highly for google users seeking the work of authors and artists they represent, and the Hellers have also set up a limited e-commerce system that allows them to cultivate the collectors they work with personally. Finally, has represented the Hellers on eBay, selling some select back catalogue items.

SERVICES: web design, multimedia, e-commerce, search engine optimization, maintenance

INDUSTRIES: arts, small business