The Challenge: Stuart Ross has a high-end cosmetic dentistry practice in the DC area. In 1999, Ross asked paperlantern.com to create a website that reflected the quality of care and the enthusiasm with which his clients endorse his good work.
That website was a great success, that extended his message to the web and attracted clients who were eager to use Ross's services. However, by early 2004 the site was due for a reassessment and upgrade.
The Solution: It's always gratifying when a happy client returns for a website redesign. paperlantern.com worked with marketing consultant Nancy Rose Senich to re-organize the website, add new content and enhance the site with photos and more information for clietns and for the press. The new site also reflects internet banner-ad campaigns that Dr. Ross's office had implemented. Look forward to great new things!
SERVICES: design, maintenance
INDUSTRIES: small business, health